The European Union & Gadolinium In MRIs

The European Union has recently placed some restrictions on the use of the MRI contrast agent Gadolinium.  There has been concern expressed by recent findings that Gadolinium doesn’t wholly disappear or wash out of a person’s body, but instead stays in a person’s brain.

At this time there has not been any evidence that anyone has been damaged by the Gadolinium. However, it is a concerning issue.

If you are preparing to have an MRI with the contrast agent Gadolinium you might consider an alternative type of scan.  At the minimum, you should discuss this finding with your doctor prior to having the MRI.

Joel T. Nowak, MA, MSW wrote this Post.  Joel is the CEO/Executive Director of Cancer ABCs.  He is a Cancer Thriver diagnosed with five primary cancers - Thyroid, Metastatic Prostate, Renal, Melanoma, and the rare cancer Appendiceal cancer.