Listen In to the Next CureTalk with Dr. Eli Van Allen on the “Metastatic Prostate Cancer Project”

This coming Wednesday, February 21, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time (2:00 p.m. Pacific), Cancer ABCs will be collaborating with Cure Talks,  The topic of the conversation will be It the recently launched “Metastatic Prostate Cancer Project”.

The  Metastatic Prostate Cancer Project will develop a comprehensive database of information on the genetics, genomics, and how they interact with the clinical management of men with advanced and metastatic prostate cancer. The information learned from this project will be made available to prostate cancer researchers around the world to seek to improve and to develop the means to bring personalized prostate cancer treatment to men with advanced prostate cancer.

  • You can sign up to listen the the presentation by Dr. Eli Van Allen of the Broad Institute and the follow-up discussion by clicking here, please click here.  
  • To find out more about the project and decide whether you are interested in listening to the presentation and the discussion, please click here. (
  • To be able to review Dr. Van Allen’s bio, please click here. He holds positions at the Broad Institute, at Harvard Medical School, at the Dana-Farber Cancer Center, and at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (all in Boston, MA)

Any man with advanced prostate cancer in North America and Canada can and should sign up to participate in this project. There is no cost, and you can help to become part of the solution to finding better treatments for advanced forms of prostate cancer.

More than 200 men are already enrolled, so please join us and listen to Dr. Van Allen and the distinguished panel of which Joel T Nowak from Cancer ABCs is a part.