
Orgovyx - The Newest Hormone Treatment (ADT) for Prostate Cancer

Orgovyx - The Newest Hormone Treatment (ADT) for Prostate Cancer

HERO demonstrated that Orgovyx was superior to Lupron in maintaining castration from day 29 up to week 48. Orgovyx also showed an almost a five-fold reduction in the risk of subsequent major cardiac events, a concern for men on Lupron.

Phase III HERO Study Meets Primary Efficacy Endpoint in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer 

Phase III HERO Study Meets Primary Efficacy Endpoint in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer 

If your doctor gave you a choice to take hormone therapy (ADT) using the traditional injection every month, three months, or every six months or to take a daily pill, which would you opt to do? Prepare yourself; you might be facing this question sometime in the later part of 2020!