Zytiga And Prednisone Provide Significant Benefits Beyond Survival With Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive and Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Zytiga And Prednisone Provide Significant Benefits Beyond Survival With Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive and Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Bisphosphonate Treatment for Men with Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treated With ADT

The current standard of care for men with non-metastatic prostate cancer who are on hormone therapy (ADT) does not include the use of any of the bisphosphonate drugs.  Some men might benefit by using them at this stage.

Do You Want To Become A Peer Reviewer for the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Program?

The Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program is seeking Cancer Thrivers to participate as peer reviewers who will select which prostate cancer research programs will receive funding.


Do you want to participate as a reviewer?

Two Possible Clinical Trial End Points Predicting Survival and Death

The gold standard of clinical trial end points is survival.  Since prostate cancer tends to move relatively slowly it can take many years for a clinical trial to be completed.  We need better surrogate endpoints for survival so that trials can be completed more quickly allowing new drugs to flow to us.