To Take or Not To Take A Vaccine?

Making Your COVID Vaccine Decision – To take or not to take?
Talk to your Doctors

Here’s our message – Talk to Your Own Doctors before making this decision.  We are hearing a LOT of people making these decisions now.  This is understandable simply because of Pandemic Fatigue, and we’ve all been dealing with COVID for almost a year.  We all feel it.

But Cancer ABCs message is the same as any other treatment decision.  You need to weigh your personal Risks and the Benefits with your own personal doctors.  They are your medical experts. 

This is Shared Decision-making.

Here are some thoughts and suggestions while we all think this through:

·         Schedule an appointment (Telehealth if you can) to talk to one of your doctors who is trained and board certified in Internal Medicine.  This is probably your Family Doctor and your Medical Oncologist.  (not your surgeon or radiologist)

·         If you have an Infectious Disease doctor, schedule an appointment to talk with them also.

·         This appointment can probably be done within the next month or so for most people.  You can check your probable place in line for the COVID vaccine here.  

·         Watch for more information about Risks (side effects, etc), and Benefits of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines in December as they receive FDA decisions about Emergency Use Authorization.  Use EXPERT Sources for this information.  
We recommend the following sources for COVID-19 Information and Updates:

1.       Johns Hopkins

2.       MD Anderson

3.       Duke University